Sirok lezaj prostri • Ample Make This Bed • LXIII
© Copyright: graphic arts; animation & design by Carmen Ezgeta
© 2008 prepjev: Drazen Dragovic
Pjesma je uvrstena u knjigu odobranih pjesma Emily Dickinson: 'Tise Od Sna';
uredio, priredio i preveo Drazen Dragovic; izdavac: Modernist nakladnistvo, Varazdin, 2008.; 184 str.; dvojezicno izdanje
Film "Sofijin izbor" - "Sophie's Choice" (1982), u reziji (director:) Alan J. Pakula, prozet je poezijom Emily Dickinson.
Meryl Streep je za ulogu u ovom filmu primila nagradu "Oscar".
The film won the Academy Award for Best Actress (Meryl Streep)
U filmu pjesmu Emily Dickinson "Ample Make This Bed" (Sirok lezaj prostri) Stigo (MacNicol) izgovara mrtvoj Sophie (Streep) i Nathanu (Kline)...
muzika - music: Robert Miles : Celebrate
(1969) (1996)
[ Emily Dickinson ]
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Emily Dickinson
(1830 - 1886)
Ample make this bed.
Make this bed with awe;
In it wait till judgment break
Excellent and fair.
Be its mattress straight,
Be its pillow round;
Let no sunrise' yellow noise
Interrupt this ground.
Sirok lezaj prostri.
U drhtaju sav;
U njem zadnji cekaj sud
Izvrstan i prav.
Madrac nek' je ravan,
Obli jastuk taj;
Nek' ne smeta ovo tlo
Bucnih zraka sjaj.