© 2006 photo by  Carmen Ezgeta: Pustinja Sinai - The Sinai Desert;  Egipat - Egypt

                     Gladan sam tvojih usta, tvog glasa, tvoje kose
             i tako gladan lutam ulicama sasma tih,
       kruh mi ne daje snagu i uznemiruje me zora,
danju oslu
skujem zubor tvojih koraka.

Izgladnjeo sam za tvojim smijehom sto klizi,
za tvojim rukama boje divljeg zita,
an sam blijedog kamena tvojih noktiju,
izjeo bih tvoju kozu nedirnuta badema.

Pojeo bih munju sagorjelu u tvojoj ljepoti,
nos, vladara tvog oholog lica,
jeo bih nestalnu sjenu tvojih trepavica.

I gladan kruzim, i vracam se njuseci sumrak —
       trazeci. Trazim tvoje vrelo srce
             poput pume u bespucima Quitratue.

Tengo hambre de tu boca, de tu voz, de tu pelo                   
y por las calles voy sin nutrirme, callado,            
no me sostiene el pan, el alba me desquicia,     
busco el sonido líquido de tus pies en el día.

Estoy hambriento de tu risa resbalada,
de tus m
anos color de furioso granero,
tengo hambre de la pálida piedra de tus uñas,
quiero comer tu piel como una intacta almendra.

Quiero comer el rayo quemado en tu hermosura,
la nariz soberana del arrogante rostro,
quiero comer la sombra fugaz de tus pestañas

y hambriento vengo y voy olfateando el crepúsculo
buscándote, buscando tu corazón caliente      
como un puma en la soledad de Quitratúe.            

I crave your mouth, your voice, your hair.
Silent and starving, I prowl through the streets.
Bread does not nourish me, dawn disrupts me, all day
I hunt for the liquid measure of your steps.

I hunger for your sleek laugh,
your hands the color of a savage harvest,
hunger for the pale stones of your fingernails,
I want to eat your skin like a whole almond.

I want to eat the sunbeam flaring in your lovely body,
the sovereign nose of your arrogant face,
I want to eat the fleeting shade of your lashes,

and I pace around hungry, sniffing the twilight,
hunting for you, for your hot heart,
like a puma in the barrens of Quitratue.

Pablo Neruda

(1904 - 1973)

[  Chile - Cile ]


1971. dobitnik Nobelove nagrade za knjizevnost
1971. Nobel Laureater in Literature


©     2005   photo by     Carmen Ezgeta:   Pustinja Sinai; Egipat;  studeni 2005
                                                                                       The Sinai Desert;   Egypt;  November 2005

©   Copyright: graphic arts; animation & design by Carmen Ezgeta

©   2006   prepjev: Carmen Ezgeta



[ Pablo Neruda ]

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Pablo Neruda