Kod tebe lezim u mraku
nalazim mir.
Nitko nije na svijetu
dobar kao mrak i ti.
Vezao sam se s mrakom.
Vezao sam se s tobom.
Da se rastanem s mrakom
rastao bih se s tobom.
Kod tebe lezim u mraku
kao ptica u gnijezdu.
Vjetar mi raznosi pjesmu.
I lay in the darkness by you,
there I have peace.
There is no man,
that is so good.
I am attached to the darkness.
I am attached to you.
Would I be separated from the darkness,
I would be separated from you.
I lay in the darkness by you,
as the bird in his nest.
And the wind sings my song.
Ljubavna pjesma — Love song
© Copyright: graphic arts; animation & design by Carmen Ezgeta
Bo Setterlind
(1923 - 1991)
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