Kad umrem i prozracni travanj
Nad grobom otrese kosu tesku od kise,
Prignuvsi se nada mnom, ako i patis,
Necu te voljeti vise.
Spokojna cu biti, smirena ko krosnje
Opustenih grana kada kisa pada;
Njemija cu biti i tvrdjeg srca
Od tebe sada.
When I am dead and over me bright April
Shakes out her rain-drenched hair,
Though you should lean above me broken-hearted,
I shall not care.
I shall have peace, as leafy trees are peaceful
When rain bends down the bough,
And I shall be more silent and cold-hearted
Than you are now.
I shall not care — Necu te voljeti vise
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Sara Teasdale
(1884 – 1933)
Sara Teasdale won the first Columbia Poetry Prize in 1918, a prize that would later be renamed the Pulitzer Prize for Poetry.
Pulitzer Prize Special Citations and Awards (Letters): Love Songs by Sara Teasdale (1918)
A common urban legend surrounds Teasdale's suicide.
The poem "I Shall Not Care" was speculated to be her suicide note because of its depressing undertone.
The legend claims that her poem "I Shall Not Care"
(which features themes of abandonment, bitterness, and contemplation of death) was penned as a suicide note to a former lover.
However, the poem was actually first published in her 1915 collection Rivers to the Sea, a full 18 years before her suicide.
prijevod: Zeljko Bujas
(1928 – 1999)
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