Charles Chaplin

performed by       Petula Clark                



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movie:     "A Countess from Hong Kong"   ( 1967 )  



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© Carmen Ezgeta

written by       Charles Chaplin     

           (1889 - 1977)

Petula Clark
© Carmen Ezgeta

Why is my heart so light?
are the stars so bright?
Why is the sky so blue
Since the hour I met you?

Flowers are smiling bright
Smiling for our delight
Smiling so tenderly
For the world, you and me

I know why the world is smiling
Smiling so tenderly
It hears the same old story
Through all eternity

Love, this is my song
Here is a song, a serenade to you
The world cannot be wrong
If in this world there is you

I care not what the world may say
Without your love there is no day
So, love, this is my song
Here is a song, a serenade to you

I care not what the world may say
Without your love there is no day
So, love, this is my song
Here is a song, a serenade to you